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I need to charge up my phone al-4a Mr Bloom went outside. Journalists, delighted to have been gifted a classic Bloomism, swarmed eagerly around him. A male reporter asked whether he really had just called all those women “sluts”. First Mr Bloom said he couldn’t remember. Then he said yes he had, but it had been a joke. “Was there a single woman in there who didn’t laugh, you sad little man?” he snapped, switching abruptly from defence to attack. Then a female Ukipper, taking Mr Bloom's side, started arguing with the journalist about the meaning of the word "slut". ("I think some people don't understand the difference between the word 'slut' and 'slag'," she said, glaring at the journalist accusingly. "Maybe it's something to do with the lack of grammar schools in our education system.")


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Another year streamatemodels Special teams are going through the biggest transition since the Browns returned to the NFL in 1999. Graham is replacing Phil Dawson, the Browns' only full-time kicker for the first 14 years and Benjamin is replacing Josh Cribbs, the Browns' kick returner from 2005-2012. Conley and Spencer Lanning will battle for the punting job left vacant when the Browns chose not to re-sign Reggie Hodges. The only constant from last year is long snapper Yount. Graham, 35, has made 85.4 percent of his career field goals. He was 31 of 38 last year with the Texans. Conley was out of football in 2012, but he punted 92 times with the Jets in 2011 for a 42.7 average. Benjamin returned three kicks (25.3 average) and three punts (49.7 average) last season. He returned one punt 40 yards and another 93 yards.


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